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Modern Architecture
Mastering Social Intelligence
People are the master key to organizational success
Emotional/Social Intelligence is the master key to people success
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* Research conducted at Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center

   Green and McGill, 2011, The State of the Industry Report, American Society of Training and Development

Today’s high speed, customer focused business environment demands highly developed inter-personal, leadership and professional soft skills. 


To be competitive in the current global business landscape, your staff and leaders needs to be as socially intelligent as they are technical.


Technical skills alone  are no longer sufficient. 

What business benefits
can I expect from Emotional Intelligence Training?

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RFF EQ Training

Content Detail

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Emotional Intelligence Explained (By the book and in practical terms)

What it matters:  Hard results from soft skills

Self Awareness: What is it and how to I develop it.
Self Control and Emotional Regulation techniques
The Human Behavior Chain

The Power of Habits

Filters and Biases

Social Awareness:  Advanced Observation Skills

The Neuroscience of Influence

The Root Causes of the Lack of EQ

Inattention Blindness and Change Blindness

Human Motivation: The SCARF Model

Conflict Management and Non-Violent Communication

The Transtheoretical model for Change

Making lasting change

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A Rocket Fueled Futures

Carrie Doan Consulting


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